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僧:  All clear here.

月: Leaving my mark

味: It's all good... correction wise ;_;    天: *pat-pat*  ヽ(´・一・`)

天: Ok, seems like this has been checked throughoutly.




[僧: Not a lot to report here, just a few things cleared up and/or commented on.]

[僧: Went through a second time. Again. All clear here.]

[月: Leaving my mark]

【ナップ】「今のうちに兄さんに渡しておきたい ものがあるんだ」


【リック】「今のうちってなんだよ。 縁起の悪いこと言うなよ」

Napp: "While I still can, I'd like to give something to you, big brother."

Napp seemed quite well today as he called me into his room.

Rick: "What do you mean 'while you can'? Don't say such sinister stuff."

【ナップ】「自分のことは自分が一番よく わかってるよ」


Napp: "I think I'm the one who understands my situation the best."

His voice sounds so feeble. There's no way I'm going to believe this, but thinking about Napp's condition right now sends a shiver down my spine.

【リック】「で、渡したい物ってなんだ? 形見だ、なんて言うなら承知しないぞ」



Rick: "So, what did you want to give me? If it's some kind of keepsake of you, then there's no way I'm taking it!"

Napp: "It isn't."

As he says that he folds a couple of notes in half and hands them to me.


【ナップ】「ほら、ずっと前にもらった設計図。 ボクなりに研究してたんだ。 兄さんの飛行機、今のままじゃ 飛べないんでしょ?」


【ナップ】「ボクなんかのために夢を あきらめないでよ」


Rick: "And those are?"

Napp: "Take a look at them, they're the blueprints and papers you gave me long ago. I did my own studies on them. Brother, your airplane can't fly as it is right now, can it?"

Rick: "But, I told you already that airplane isn't..."

Napp: "I don't want you to give up you're dreams for me!"

He says that and chuckles. His face has grown so thin.

【ナップ】「ボクだって、父さんみたいに 空を飛びたかった。 兄さんみたいに飛行機を作って 空を飛びたかった」


Napp: "Even I wanted to fly through the sky just like our dad. And I wanted to build an airplane just like you did, big brother."

But due to his illness that dream could never come true.

【ナップ】「ボクにとっても、空を飛び、外世界に 行くことは夢なんだ。 兄さんには、ボクの代わりに夢を 叶えて欲しいんだ」


Napp: "It was always my dream to fly to the outside world as well. And brother, I wish that you make that dream of mine come true in my place."

He's staring into my eyes, it really sounded like his dearest wish when he said that.

【ナップ】「兄さん。 兄さんだって、本当にあきらめた訳じゃ ないんだろう?」



Napp: "Big brother. Big brother, can you really give up now?"

He grabs my collar as firm as he can. I can't give up now, but I'm also not going to abandon Napp.

I put my hand on his shoulder and try to soothe him.

【リック】「あきらめた訳じゃない。 けれど、それはナップが元気になって からでも遅くはないだろう?」

【ナップ】「でも、ライズストームはもうすぐ じゃないか。 次に来るのは、また15年後だって いうのに!」

Rick: "I'm not giving up. But what's wrong with waiting until you have fully recovered, Napp?"

Napp: "But, the Stormrise is very close, isn't it? Are you saying that you want to wait another 15 years?"

【リック】「ライズストームがなくたって飛んでやるさ。 俺とナップと協力して研究すればいい。 自力で飛ぶことのできる飛行機を作れば いいだけさ。 父さんが叶えられなかった夢を二人で 叶えようぜ」

Rick: "Then we will make it fly without the Stormrise. We will research it together and find a way. It would be great if we could build a plane that can fly by its own power, right? We will make father's dream come true, together."




However, after the next morning, despite care from Ran and me, Napp passed away. It seemed like the shock of learning about our father's true fate had worsened his illness far more than we thought. [僧: Should "the after next morning" be "the morning after next," ie, two days later? It's not too important, but I'll change it to that just to clear it up.]

At that time it seemed like he had recovered a bit, but he was right when he said "while I still can".

We buried him on top of the hill that has such a good view on the ocean of clouds. He would have wanted it that way, I'm sure.




With his calculations and redrawn blueprints I was able to correct all the flaws that the plane still had.

About the Stormrise, aside from the data he had also written down instructions and other information on how to get the plane airborne. It seemed like those were the real meaning of fathers research papers.

With this, I really can complete the airplane, and following Napp's instructions during takeoff I can fly away to that other world.


I can make our dream come true. My dream. Napp's dream. Father's dream. I'll entrust all of them to those two wings.


Three days left until the Stormrise.

Finished version[]



【ナップ】「今のうちに兄さんに渡しておきたい ものがあるんだ」


【リック】「今のうちってなんだよ。 縁起の悪いこと言うなよ」

Napp: "While I still can, I'd like to give something to you, big brother."

Napp seemed quite well today as he called me into his room.

Rick: "What do you mean 'while you can'? Don't say such sinister stuff."

【ナップ】「自分のことは自分が一番よく わかってるよ」


Napp: "I think I'm the one who understands my situation the best."

His voice sounds so feeble. There's no way I'm going to believe this, but thinking about Napp's condition right now sends a shiver down my spine.

【リック】「で、渡したい物ってなんだ? 形見だ、なんて言うなら承知しないぞ」



Rick: "So, what did you want to give me? If it's some kind of keepsake of you, then there's no way I'm taking it!"

Napp: "It isn't."

As he says that he folds a couple of notes in half and hands them to me.


【ナップ】「ほら、ずっと前にもらった設計図。 ボクなりに研究してたんだ。 兄さんの飛行機、今のままじゃ 飛べないんでしょ?」


【ナップ】「ボクなんかのために夢を あきらめないでよ」


Rick: "And those are?"

Napp: "Take a look at them, they're the blueprints and papers you gave me long ago. I did my own studies on them. Brother, your airplane can't fly as it is right now, can it?"

Rick: "But, I told you already that airplane isn't..."

Napp: "I don't want you to give up you're dreams for me!"

He says that and chuckles. His face has grown so thin.

【ナップ】「ボクだって、父さんみたいに 空を飛びたかった。 兄さんみたいに飛行機を作って 空を飛びたかった」


Napp: "Even I wanted to fly through the sky just like our dad. And I wanted to build an airplane just like you did, big brother."

But due to his illness that dream could never come true.

【ナップ】「ボクにとっても、空を飛び、外世界に 行くことは夢なんだ。 兄さんには、ボクの代わりに夢を 叶えて欲しいんだ」


Napp: "It was always my dream to fly to the outside world as well. And brother, I wish that you make that dream of mine come true in my place."

He's staring into my eyes, it really sounded like his dearest wish when he said that.

【ナップ】「兄さん。 兄さんだって、本当にあきらめた訳じゃ ないんだろう?」



Napp: "Big brother. Big brother, can you really give up now?"

He grabs my collar as firm as he can. I can't give up now, but I'm also not going to abandon Napp.

I put my hand on his shoulder and try to soothe him.

【リック】「あきらめた訳じゃない。 けれど、それはナップが元気になって からでも遅くはないだろう?」

【ナップ】「でも、ライズストームはもうすぐ じゃないか。 次に来るのは、また15年後だって いうのに!」

Rick: "I'm not giving up. But what's wrong with waiting until you have fully recovered, Napp?"

Napp: "But, the Stormrise is very close, isn't it? Are you saying that you want to wait another 15 years?"

【リック】「ライズストームがなくたって飛んでやるさ。 俺とナップと協力して研究すればいい。 自力で飛ぶことのできる飛行機を作れば いいだけさ。 父さんが叶えられなかった夢を二人で 叶えようぜ」

Rick: "Then we will make it fly without the Stormrise. We will research it together and find a way. It would be great if we could build a plane that can fly by its own power, right? We will make father's dream come true, together."




However, after the next morning, despite care from Ran and me, Napp passed away. It seemed like the shock of learning about our father's true fate had worsened his illness far more than we thought.

At that time it seemed like he had recovered a bit, but he was right when he said "while I still can".

We buried him on top of the hill that has such a good view on the ocean of clouds. He would have wanted it that way, I'm sure.




With his calculations and redrawn blueprints I was able to correct all the flaws that the plane still had.

About the Stormrise, aside from the data he had also written down instructions and other information on how to get the plane airborne. It seemed like those were the real meaning of fathers research papers.

With this, I really can complete the airplane, and following Napp's instructions during takeoff I can fly away to that other world.


I can make our dream come true. My dream. Napp's dream. Father's dream. I'll entrust all of them to those two wings.


Three days left until the Stormrise.
